love you crazy or love you crazily? There is a song named 'love you crazy'. I thought it should be 'love you crazily'. Which one is gramartically correct?
2015년 2월 12일 오전 5:10
답변 · 10
'Love you crazily' would technically be correct, but native speakers usually don't say that.
2015년 2월 12일
'Love you crazy' is a catchy song title, but it makes no sense grammatically. 'Love you crazily' fits English grammar rules, but it still doesn't mean very much. It isn't something natives speakers would say. In general, you should be careful about trying to learn grammar from songs. Songs often make their own rules, according to what fits the music and or according to what sounds fun and catchy. In fact, song writers often deliberately break the rules of grammar or use odd-sounding phrases just for fun, or to make the song more memorable.
2015년 2월 12일
i love you crazily seems correct to me but i am not sure
2015년 2월 12일
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