Do we have to get married in order to be happy in life? some people says that, if they cannot find or marry the right person, they said their life will be not complete. *************************What do you think?*************************
2008년 8월 11일 오전 10:42
답변 · 3
It depends on your culture. If you just live together & that is not accepted by your friend/parents ,you will miss out on a lot of support & that can cause unhappiness for some people.
2008년 8월 12일
Do you think all the married couple live happy life? Why there's so high rate of divorce ? I agree with Mukund: Happy or unhappy is up to you .
2008년 8월 12일
Actually it depends, how u look at life. U can be happy even without getting married. However, after getting married, u get mental satisfaction (if u get a best partner). U get a hand with whom u can climb on the ladder of happiness. Happiness lies in yr MIND. Go deep in yr mind, understand WHO u r. Once u have that ANSWER, u float on the waves of happiness.
2008년 8월 11일
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