"You got me on my knees" ?? What's meaning of "You got me on my knees"? And this originated with who? or from where?? And how to use? Please help me out. ^_______^
2008년 8월 19일 오전 12:49
답변 · 3
i'm not sure where this originates from, but jura's answer is one explanation, 跪地求饶的意思。 In the context of pop songs, sometimes "you got me on my knees" 可以用在爱情上。好像,我爱你到无法自拔,所以"you´ve got me on my knees"。。你能影响我的一切因为真的和爱你。。之类。不知道这样解释会清楚吗。哈哈哈哈..我不懂怎样说的更明白。
2008년 8월 25일
These are the lyrics to a song. Also it means that you are the the mercy of the person who says this to you. In olden times people would get down on their knees & pray for mercy in order not to be executed.
2008년 8월 19일
shit i don knw da answer :(:(:(:S:S:S
2008년 8월 21일
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