What is the difference betwen USED TO/ BE USED TO Ving/ GET USED TO Ving???
2015년 4월 10일 오전 7:31
답변 · 5
If you USED TO do something, you did it in the past but you don't any more. "I used to eat chocolate every morning, until my doctor told me to stop." If you ARE USED TO doing something, you have done it in the past and you are still doing it. "I am used to getting up early in the morning; my job starts at 5 AM" If you GET USED TO something, you are not accustomed to doing it and you need to become accustomed to doing it. "I started a new job last week; I have to get used to getting up early in the morning so I can be there on time." "It took me two months to get used to getting up early." Hope this helps.
2015년 4월 10일
used to V переводиться как "раньше". То есть, например, Вы что-то раньше делали, занимались танцами,курили, а сейчас этого не делаете. He used to smoke - Раньше он курил (подразумевается, что он бросил). to be used to Ving / noun - "быть привыкшим к чему-то (статичное состояние)". I used to think Moscow was a noisy city, but now I am used to its noise. - Раньше я думала, что Москва - шумный город, но сейчас я не замечаю этого шума (привыкшая к нему). to get used to Ving/ noun - привыкнуть к чему-то (переход из состояния) - I got used to working at nights. - Я привыкла работать/ у работе по ночам.
2015년 4월 10일
I want to improve my english. And you?
2016년 2월 2일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!