manjet kaur
Why do men intentionally emotionally hurt women?
2008년 8월 24일 오후 5:20
답변 · 3
Not all men intentionally emotionally hurt women - and it's important to note that there are women out there who intentionally emotionally hurt men. ;) If there's someone who hurt you, just remind yourself that there are other fish in the sea, so to speak, and give yourself time to heal. Be kind to yourself, and remember that the nice guys are the ones worth having, anyway. :)
2008년 8월 24일
Have you just been dumped? Seems like you're really into this kind of stuff. 6 questions in a row.
2008년 8월 24일
men intentionally emotionally dont hurt women, it is women who has to understand men she should always be loving, caring, understanding and always be ready to sacrifice. there are always ups and downs and similarly men should also be loving , caring and understanding and try his level best to satisy the needs of the women
2008년 8월 25일
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