"单身狗"是什么意思? Is it an insult to someone?
2015년 4월 30일 오전 7:31
답변 · 15
为什么大家都觉得这是个侮辱性词语啊?明明是一个有趣的自嘲式的网络用语 Why do you think it is insult?it is just very interesting and popular on the internet when people use it to call someone who is single...it is not offensive at all
2015년 4월 30일
call himself 狗 is a kind of self-mockery. if someone calls himself 单身狗, it means that he is single and he wants to have a girlfriend / boyfriend but because of some reason, he couldn't have. He want to have but he couldn't, so he makes a self-mockery.
2015년 4월 30일
It means "unmarried dog" of course it is an insult to call someone a dog.
2015년 4월 30일
yes ,laugh at someone is single
2015년 4월 30일
it means single dog. its a joke or stuff, nothing to be rude tho
2015년 4월 30일
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