what's the meaning of "sometimes monkeys die' what's the meaning of "sometimes monkeys die'
2008년 8월 31일 오후 3:01
답변 · 3
If I had the context...
2008년 8월 31일
You know, monkeys jump from a tree to another tree. There are times they will fall from the trees. Often they survive it, but sometimes they die. In the context: Paul: "My friend died from the accident, when he just left the hospital. I can't understand why it happened." Sam: "I am sorry. But you know, there's an old saying: 'Sometimes monkeys die.' It's not a great saying, but it somehow is fitting that." So it means, even they survived in the past, but unlucky still died in the end. It is actually a bad joke, but at least it might make Paul laughing a bit or feeling a little better.
2011년 8월 29일
Of course sometimes monkeys die, it is the law of nature.
2008년 9월 1일
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