How do you say self-taught in Mandarin? I understand you can't say things like 我教自己。 What would you use instead?
2015년 6월 6일 오전 12:59
답변 · 11
Tu peux utilise "我自学中文". 自, soi-même, 学,apprendre, "self-taught" is like I learn by myself. ^^
2015년 6월 6일
自学self 自 teach 学 自学 zi 4 xue2
2015년 6월 6일
2015년 6월 8일
self-taught is like self-learning. "Learn" in Chinese is"学", "self" is "自己",so you can say "self-taught" as "自学" in Chinese. Hope it can help you. Have a good day ^^
2015년 6월 7일
Self-taught in chinese is 自学(learn yourself). Because in chinses teach is A teach B, then A and B build a relationship---A is teach B is learn. but if A just teach himself then means he just learn ftom himself , if B just learn himslf and no any other people teach him then he just learn from himself . So if just one people learn or teach himself we call it learn from himself自学.
2015년 6월 6일
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