brush up on & review & go over what's the difference between these three??? i know ,For example ,review the lessons...can we say go over the lessons ? or brush up on the lessons??
2008년 9월 2일 오후 2:47
답변 · 1
All three are very similar. "Review" is the most formal of the three and perhaps the strongest. "Brush up on" and "go over" refer to performing a light review of some kind of content. There's a slight connotation to "brush up on" where it may mean that you are more unfamiliar with the content than would be desired, as in "I need to brush up on my Chinese (language skills)". So desperado is correct in saying that "brush up on" can mean "to improve". Also, note that "brush up on" (review or improve) is different from "brush upon" (to touch lightly or to mention briefly).
2008년 9월 8일
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