After one hour vs in one hour difference? After one hour vs in one hour difference? I will be there after one hour vs I will be there in one hour. What difference is there?
2015년 7월 16일 오전 12:18
답변 · 4
If you are being very strict - 'in one hour' would mean that you would arrive before an hour has elapsed. 'after one hour' would mean you would arrive after that. But then, many people would not be that accurate, so they would often be interchangeable. It would also be slightly more natural in an informal context to say 'in an hour' rather than 'in one hour'.
2015년 7월 16일
" I will be there after one hour" >> It means Now we have not been there yet. It takes one hour to come there. " I will be there in one hour." >> One hour is period of time that we are there. We have planed to be there for one hour.. Actually, I am learning English. So I am not sure about that.. I hope to be given clues from you. Thanks for a fantastic question.. :)
2015년 7월 16일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!