Can anyone here help me improve my english speaking ability?
2015년 7월 31일 오후 6:53
답변 · 3
Hiii, I can also help you improve your English speaking and I'll be so willing to help you. My name is Suzana and I'm also really good in English. If you book at least 10 lessons, you're going to improve very much your speaking skills. Hope to see you soon.
2015년 7월 31일
Hi, I would be willing to help you. I am new to but we can talk daily if you like. My name is Trina and I am very good in the English language.
2015년 7월 31일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!