What does "I'd best be getting along" mean? What does "I'd best be getting along" mean?
2015년 9월 17일 오후 10:24
답변 · 10
The other answers are correct, but I want to add that it is an old-fashioned or formal-sounding phrase. Sometimes it is said like "I'd best be going", which means the same thing. The phrase you hear more often (at least in U.S. English) is "I'd better be going/get going", and it also means the same thing, but sounds more natural. I also think it sounds more polite because it makes it seem like the speaker is leaving because they SHOULD, not because they necessarily WANT to. If you tell someone "I'd better get going." it sounds like "I would like to stay, but I should go." I hope this makes sense! If you have any questions please ask and I will try to explain!
2015년 9월 22일
"It's time for me to leave." To "get along" can mean "to be on my way," to start traveling.
2015년 9월 18일
Hello! So it pretty much means I need to leave now or that I should be leaving now. I think it comes from old cowboy movies where the lead actor is saddling up his horse and getting ready to ride away. Does that help?
2015년 9월 17일
It means I have been here too long. I have to go. Or time to go.
2015년 9월 17일
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