How to say "I'm a chinese girl" in Spanish? ¡Buenas tardes! Yo soy una chica de China! It is correct?
2015년 11월 26일 오전 10:31
답변 · 5
Hello Makenzie. Yes, it's perfectly correct! You can also say "soy china", it's simpler but correct. Remember the difference between "China", the country and "china", the person from the country. Pay attention to the capital letters.
2015년 11월 26일
"I'm a chinese girl" se traduce "Yo soy una chica china" "Yo soy una chica de China" seria "I'm a girl from China".
2015년 11월 26일
If you want the strict translation to that sentence, it would be: "yo soy una chica china", but I think "soy china" or "soy una chica de China" sounds better.
2015년 11월 26일
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