What's the meaning of "Get back on track" ?
2015년 12월 14일 오후 5:42
답변 · 6
Get back on track means come to normal means get your thoughts in right way that sense make good decisions and think correct way
2015년 12월 14일
To get "off track" means that things are not going as planned. To "get back on track" means to correct the problems and return to the plan. In a meeting about problems with a building furnace, someone might say "Well, there a lot of things we've been deferring maintenance on. We need to fix the roof, especially on the west side." Then the chairman might say "That's a good point, but let's get back on track here, the purpose of this meeting is to decide about the furnace." "And what about snow removal?" "As you know, we had three heavy snows in January that put us over budget for that month, but as a matter of fact February has been mild and I think we are back on track to be under budget for the year."
2015년 12월 14일
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