Can I write a word "mail" in plural form? Zip codes enable post office workers to deliver the mails much more quickly and efficently
2015년 12월 24일 오전 12:55
답변 · 5
I´d say " deliver mail more quickly...." Mail is uncountable. You can have three dollars, but you can´t have "three moneys". It´s the same thing with mail :)
2015년 12월 24일
No. Mail is considered a non-count noun. You may use "letters" in this place, or "pieces of mail" if you want.
2015년 12월 24일
The mail delivered through the post office is a mass or uncountable noun and thus has no plural form. I received mail (one letter) or mail (two letters and a magazine). In the world of computers we are starting to see the term e-mails in reference to receiving several e-mail messages. Given the evolving nature of language, e-mails seems to be turning into an acceptable word that is interchangeable with e-mail messages.
2015년 12월 24일
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