Est-ce que il y a un site pour un blogue ou un journal en français sur l'internet? Est-ce que il y a un site pour un blogue ou un journal en français sur l'internet? Is there a website for blogging or online journaling in French? Je dois pratiquer écrit français. I need to practice writing French. Merci beaucoup! Thank you! Also, if you're a French native speaker, let's be friends. ^^
2008년 10월 8일 오후 7:51
답변 · 3
HEY ХАМЗА "OR" MOZA ! What the Hell are you Doing ???!!! you use an automatic translation from http://translate.google.com to answer ??!! If you know how to answer in French you are welcome , if not get away . here is the link to translate your English answer to French . http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|fr|I%20recommend%20you%20using%20google.com%2C%20or%20cuil.com%20ask.com%2C%20I%20hope%20i%20help%20you%20%2C%20and%20about%20friends%20%22%20to%20be%20a%20friends%20%22%20i%20am%20glad%20to%20meet%20you%20%26%20be%20one%20of%20my%20friends%20..%20good%20luck%20%3A)
2008년 10월 11일
I recommend you using google.com, or cuil.com ask.com, I hope i help you , and about friends " to be a friends " i am glad to meet you & be one of my friends .. good luck :)
2008년 10월 9일
Bonjour chers Aein/에인 , Je vous recommande de l'aide de google.com, ou cuil.com ask.com, je l'espère-je vous aider, et sur frineds "à un ami:« Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer et être l'un de mes amis .. bonne chance :)
2008년 10월 9일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!