What's the difference between print out and print? I would like to know if there is any difference between print out and print. I have looked for the definitions and both are the same for me. Thanks in advance.
2016년 1월 21일 오후 5:08
답변 · 4
'Print out' is the verb we use for home and office printers, and it's more specific than just 'print'. Any time you can say 'print out', you can also say 'print ', for example, "I'm going to print out a receipt for you" or "I'm going to print a receipt for you". However, the reverse is not true. There are many situations where you can say 'print', but not 'print out'. For example, "This book was printed in 1850" or " The newspaper is printed daily". You cannot use "print out" in these cases.
2016년 1월 21일
You're right, Laura. They mean the same thing, there's no difference.
2016년 1월 21일
Good question!! Personally I think there is no difference, for example I can say: "I need to print out my homework" OR I could say: "I need to print my homework" Both make perfect sense :)
2016년 1월 21일
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