Why it's said "You win / you lose" instead of "You won / You lost"? This usually occur after a game, for example.
2016년 1월 25일 오후 11:45
답변 · 3
It is very common to see "you win some, you lose some." The reason why this is used in the simple present tense instead of the simple past tense is because it is a factual or general statement. Just like "grapes are good for health" or "life is not always fair." I hope this helps!
2016년 1월 26일
Both are correct depending on the circumstance, and both are used. That said, "You win" is far more limited in how it can be used than "You won". The difference is in the verb tense. "You win" can only be used at the moment victory is declared, as it is present tense. "You won" is past tense, and can be used at any time after victory is obtained, including immediately.
2016년 1월 26일
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