デイビッド David
How to say "Of course" in Japanese I've heard many ways of saying "of course" and "surely" but am not sure which sound most natural or who uses which. Mochiron, touzen, souda, souka, yappari ne. Thanks.
2016년 1월 30일 오전 12:18
답변 · 4
Of course: mochiron, touzen, machigainai (もちろん、当然、間違いない) souda (as in そうです) = I agree souka (as in そうですか) = Is that true? Really? I didn't know that! (also doubtfully: Really...? Dunno if I agree...) yappari ne (as in やっぱりそうですね) = That's totally true, isn't it! I agree! (more formal: yahari やはり)
2016년 1월 30일
2016년 1월 30일
People always use "touzen"and"a tarimae".;)
2016년 1월 30일
Completely depends on the context :) Touzen is more like, "no doubt"(like its already decided) and mochiron is more, "yeah, that is of course true but this blabla. . ." I think you will learn the styles the more Japanese you study ^_^
2016년 1월 30일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!