What do you call this one in English? What do you call the road for bicycles? Please tell me in both American and British ways. Thanks!
2016년 1월 30일 오전 2:24
답변 · 5
In the US if you are referring to the special area for bikes we call that a bike lane.
2016년 1월 30일
They're called cycle lanes in the UK and bike lanes in the US.
2016년 1월 30일
'Cycle lane' if it's a dedicated lane on a roadway which is also used by motor vehicles i.e. if people cycle in their own lane alongside motor vehicles. 'Cycle path' if it's not - for example, you get cycle paths alongside rivers and through parks.
2016년 1월 30일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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