Are u feel the influence by the American financial crisis? Well, the market has terrible power. I start feeling the pressure and influence by the American financial crisis. By seeing the future price of all the agricultural goes down dramatically. and what do u see, and what do u feel?
2008년 10월 17일 오후 2:59
답변 · 6
Many people here in the US and around the world are feeling very scared and angry at the current economic turmoil. Although, I do not know the situation in other countries, but in the US, many people have lost their jobs, their homes, and money they invested in their retirement accounts. Also, I read in the news that the country Iceland is almost bankrupted. Which is just crazy, a whole country on the verge of bankruptcy. In the long run, economy will always bounce back, it is just a matter of when, which I hope is soon.
2008년 10월 19일
Australians have lost a lot of money due to this crisis. Those who were thinking of retiring, will have to keep working.
2008년 10월 17일
Yes, feeling the slow down in business activities too...
2008년 10월 17일
I have not felt any of the effects yet since I moved a lot of cash into gold and silver markets. But I do see the effects around me.
2008년 10월 21일
Yes we are feeling the pressure right now and we fear for some workers to lost their job because of the companies' closure due to bancruptcy.
2008년 10월 18일
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