mr big
what is 白话 exactly? 为什有些人叫粤语“白话”? how come there are people that call Cantonese 白话?
2008년 10월 19일 오전 7:30
답변 · 5
2008년 10월 26일
Copied from the Internet~ 白话:在中国的粤语地区,口语上“白话”是对粤语的专称,就像“闲话”是对吴语的专称一样,与白话的普通意义“通俗的语言”无关。 没有特殊意义,也就是粤语(广东话、广州话、粤语的统称),只不过是广东人把“粤语”这个话种直翻的讲法而已! 粤语:是外省人对广东话的一种称呼(跟白话的意思其实是一样的只是叫法不一样罢了) 所以说,白话是广东的一种语言,所以以粤来称呼,即为粤语。 =============================== Maybe it's better to translate it? In Cantonese district,people called Cantonese 白话,but 白话 has no special meaning,just a name...In other district,people called Cantonese 粤语.
2008년 10월 19일
白话 is cantonese Why? I don't know Why are there so many names for cantonese? 广东话,粤语,白话 and also for mandarin too? 普通话,国语,汉语 I just heard of this term for cantonese few months ago and learned it, but never learned why.
2008년 10월 19일
白话和粤语只是叫法不同,其它都相同。 In fact ,you can learn Cantonese well,and find their differences .
2008년 10월 23일
你可以参考下低呢个网站,有好多关于白话 ******************************************************************************* 照我嘅諗詓,白話即是容易明白,易听,易讲,易明 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
2008년 10월 21일
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