There's no getting around it "There's no getting around it" what does this sentence means ? And "There's no getting around it, which is ironic because his family is loaded.They have tons of cash, but, I thought I was strapped for cash, but Max just has no clue." In this sentence is" I thought I was strapped for cash, but Max just has no clue" means my cash is only enough to let me surive, but Max has no worry about money.
2016년 4월 13일 오후 11:50
답변 · 2
There's no getting around it- There is no other option. There is no avoiding it. Strapped for cash- Doesn't have money Has no clue- Doesn't know. For example: "What time is it?" "I have no clue." (I don't know)
2016년 4월 14일
There's no getting around it. => There's no avoiding it; we have to deal with it (some fact or obstacle). strapped for cash => has very little money; needs money badly has no clue => is ignorant or has no knowledge about something (not enough context to understand about what.)
2016년 4월 14일
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