which phrase sounds natural ? a bunch of keys a set of keys a couple of keys Would you please tell me which one is most commonly used in spoken English,thank you so much
2016년 4월 14일 오전 3:33
답변 · 6
Normally you would just say "keys" in most contexts. i.e. "I'm looking for my keys" "There are lots of keys on my keyring" "My keys are locked in my car"
2016년 4월 14일
a bunch of keys = a lot of keys, perhaps 10 or more. a set of keys = best choice! a couple of keys = two keys.
2016년 4월 14일
Thank you Daniel .
2016년 4월 14일
The only time I have ever heard "a couple of keys" used is in that song: "Flying into Los Angeles Bringing in a couple of keys..." But they were referring to a different kind of key.
2016년 4월 14일
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