What's the difference between these sentences? -You gave me a chance -You took a chance on me
2016년 4월 15일 오전 3:12
답변 · 4
It might help you understand the difference if you think of the 'chance' as meaning 'opportunity' in the first sentence and 'risk' in the second.
2016년 4월 15일
The first means I gave you a possibility of getting something good, not necessarily with risking anything myself. The second means I put myself at risk by counting on you getting something good, which wasn't necessarily certain.
2016년 4월 15일
"You took a chance on me" seems to always be used in reference to a relationship, and implies that the other person took a risk/chance being with you (in a relationship or otherwise). "You gave me a chance" doesn't necessarily have to do with a relationship, and puts the risk/chance on you since they gave you that power (by giving you that chance). Hopefully that helps...
2016년 4월 15일
I think they mean exactly the same thing. The only difference is the use of GAVE and TOOK. If it's about you, 'you' gave 'me'... If it's about me, 'you' TOOK a chance...
2016년 4월 15일
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