What does blue colour means in the lyrics? For example: CHRISTINA PERRI "Black + Blue" "My heart isn't black and blue anymore" ZAYN MALIK "BLUE" "I need somebody to Love me blue" KELLY CLARKSON "In The Blue" "Will be forever with you In the blue, in the blue"
2016년 4월 16일 오전 9:29
답변 · 2
Unsure about the second two, they seem to have a poetic meaning - but the first one "black and blue" refers to when someone has been "beaten up" or "punched" and the skin turns 'black and blue' when it is bruised - so the singer is saying her heart is no longer bruised, as it has taken an 'emotional' beating.
2016년 4월 16일
“dolorous”,I think.
2016년 4월 16일
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