difficulties with the meaning سلام عليكم I have some difficulties understanding te meaning of this sentence..Could anybody translate it for me? The text is talking about the uncle of the protagonist,who has lost one hand and... صار مثل حصان السباق الذي شاخ و لم تعد له أية أهمية،مجرد قدمين ضعيفتين و عينين داهمهما الغواش و يد واحدة تساعده على قضاء نصف حاجاته. I understand the first part, where it says the his uncle has become like an old racing horse with no value, but then, I get lost... شكرا
2016년 4월 19일 오전 7:47
답변 · 4
Salam Caludia, صار مثل حصان السباق الذي شاخ و لم تعد له أية أهمية،مجرد قدمين ضعيفتين و عينين داهمهما الغواش و يد واحدة تساعده على قضاء نصف حاجاته: He became like an old racehorse that no longer had a value; having just weak feet and eyes that he hardly sees with and one hand helping him manage half of his needs. I hope this helps :)
2016년 4월 19일
It Describe the situation of an old racing horse
2016년 4월 27일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!