La borsa della spesa / La busta della spesa Hi guys. I have these two words that mean SHOPPING BAG in italian, what is the frequency of using either LA BORSA or LA BUSTA? Are they both as good as each other? The local italian shop woman uses LA BUSTA to me, would this be more of a certain region word?
2016년 4월 22일 오후 8:40
답변 · 8
I agree with Elena.
2016년 4월 23일
"Busta" is more like your "Envelope". The plastic bag is also called (probably in the North) "Sacchetto" that sounds like "little bag". "Borsa" is usually used for the bag used by women or for ones made of cloth.
2016년 4월 23일
Thanks nadia
2016년 4월 23일
I live in the north of Italy and I call it :la borsa della spesa
2016년 4월 23일
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