Please explain the grammar of يعييك and يعجزك لا تفتح باباً يعييك سده ولا ترسل سهماً يعجزك رده.I saw this sentence on wikiquote, what does it means, and please explain the grammar ofيعييك and يعجزك , i hadn't learned about them yet, shukrang lik
2016년 4월 24일 오후 3:28
답변 · 6
OK, it means dont open a door if you will be ashamed to close it, and dont send an arrow if it will disable you if it is sent back.
2016년 4월 24일
أعيا يُعيي : يعييك أعيا الماشي تعب تعبًا شديدًا أثناء سيره :- أعيا المسافرُ . أعياه السَّيرُ : أتعبه كثيرًا وأجهده :- أعياه الصَّومُ / المرضُ / الحرّ الشديد شيء يعييك mean Something that make you tired عجز - يعجز :يعجزك عجز عنه أو عن الشيء : ضعف ولم يقدر عليه the inability to do something
2016년 4월 25일
Don't open a door you can hardly close, Don't shoot an arrow you can not take back. يعجز and يعيي are verbs and ك is object pronoun.
2016년 6월 16일
المعنى المقصود من الحكمة بشكل عام، هو انك لازم تقدر الأمور بشكل صحيح قبل ما تعلمها، بالذات في تعاملك مع الناس التانيين، يعني متدخلش نفسك في حاجات لا تخصك و في نفس الوقت هيبقى ليها تأثير سلبي عليك، الجزء التاني دعوة للرحمة و التسامح، و تجنب أذية الغير. Generally, it means that you have to think about anything you're going to embark on, especially if that thing can affect other people. Don't get involved in other people own problems, as it will affect you in negative way. The second part is an advice to be kind and forgive other people mistakes as well as not directing any harmful act towards anyone especially those who are weaker than you. يعيبك = make you ashamed. يعيب + ك الخطاب يُعجزك = disable you. make you incapable of to do something.
2016년 4월 24일
المعنى المقصود من الحكمة بشكل عام، هو انك لازم تقدر الأمور بشكل صحيح قبل ما تعلمها، بالذات في تعاملك مع الناس التانيين، يعني متدخلش نفسك في حاجات لا تخصك و في نفس الوقت هيبقى ليها تأثير سلبي عليك، الجزء التاني دعوة للرحمة و التسامح، و تجنب أذية الغير. Generally, it means that you have to think about anything you're going to embark on, especially if that thing can affect other people. Don't get involved in other people own problems, as it will affect you in negative way. The second part is an advice to be kind and forgive other people mistakes as well as not directing any harmful act towards anyone especially those who are weaker than you. يعيبك = make you ashamed. يعيب + ك الخطاب يُعجزك = disable you. make you incapable of to do something.
2016년 4월 24일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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