'Can't' and 'cann't' which one is correct 'Can't' and 'cann't' which one is correct. What is the differences between 'can't' and 'cann't'. Thank you very much.
2016년 5월 2일 오전 2:19
답변 · 11
The correct one is 'can't'. It is what we call a 'contraction'. It is made from combining the two words 'Can' + 'Not'. We put the apostrophe ( ' ) where we dropped the letter (Got rid of 'o' so put an apostrophe there). 'Cann't' is not actually a word. When we write can't we drop one of the 'n' letters, I'm not sure why but that's just how it is.
2016년 5월 2일
Me encantan los oceanos de bolivia
2021년 9월 22일
You can say either CAN'T (one word/one syllable) or CANNOT (one word/two syllables with the stress on the second syllable). 'Cannot' is more formal than 'can't'. 'Cann't' does not exist.
2016년 5월 2일
I can't (I can not)
2016년 5월 2일
i think it is "can't"
2016년 5월 2일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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