Li Xiufang
What is the difference between advertising and advertisement? What is the difference between advertising and advertisement? Which one is correct? This activity can attract a large number of advertising. This activity can attract a large number of advertisements
2016년 5월 5일 오전 4:10
답변 · 12
you cannot count advertising, so you cannot attract a large NUMBER you CAN count advertisements, they are each cases of advertising. you can however attract a large number of ADVETISERS
2016년 5월 5일
I would explain Advertising as the activity or profession and advertisement as the product. For example, I study advertising so I design and draw advertisements.
2016년 5월 5일
I think also, that advertising is an activity, and advertisment is a product of advertising. Advertising is actually made from advertise verb I think. Do you mean in the second sentence word "CAN" instead of "AND"?
2016년 5월 5일
Advertising is the act of putting the word out on the products you are selling. Advertisement is the actual outward sign of what you are. Trying to to sell. And i think the first one is correct This activity can attract a large number of advertising.
2016년 5월 5일
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