Vanessa Wentworth
How to say "I manage my time well" in Spanish Meaning, I do things efficiently and such. Any help is welcome, thank you!
2016년 5월 6일 오전 2:19
답변 · 6
It is "Yo administro bien mi tiempo". I'd say it that way. :)
2016년 5월 6일
I'd say "Me organizo bien". This would include time too. If you want to be more specific you can say "Organizo bien mi tiempo", "Gestiono bien mi tiempo". "Administro bien mi tiempo" and "Manejo bien mi tiempo" are correct too. Depending on where you are, you will hear different ones.
2016년 5월 6일
I think, it could be "Yo manejo bien mi tiempo" too
2016년 5월 6일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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