meaning of a weird punctuation Does the sentence after the colon mean: 1. unwitting bystanders who haven’t read the script and some tourists who find themselves literally frozen out. or 2. unwitting bystanders who haven’t read the script who are some tourists that find themselves literally frozen out. Context: In amongst this immobile mob, the odd ripple of activity: unwitting bystanders who haven’t read the script, some tourists perhaps – others definitely pigeons – who find themselves literally frozen out.
2016년 5월 8일 오전 10:00
답변 · 2
Wow you are reading some difficult stuff! I think the author is using a lot symbolic language and to get all of the meaning you will need more context. Basically your answer 1 is closest. There are several types of people in the 'immobile mob' -- all are unwitting bystanders who haven't 'read the script'. The meaning of 'read the script' -- whether symbolic or literal is something you will have to figure out from the rest of the context. The author gives examples of the unwitting bystanders -- some might be tourists and others are certainly 'pigeons'. The author is alomst certainly speaking symbolically here -- not literal birds but 'pigeons' is slang for people who are easy targets either to be fooled or to have things stolen from them. All are literally 'frozen out'. Neal
2016년 5월 8일
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