What's the meaning of these sentensess ? redonkulous. pudge
2016년 5월 13일 오후 12:50
답변 · 4
These are not English words (as far as I know), although I'm guessing that "redonkulous" could be a mispronounciation of "ridiculous". Actually "Pudge" might come from "pudgy" which means (for a person) slightly fat.
2016년 5월 13일
Hi Fatimah! "Redonkulous" is a slang word meaning "ridiculous" but to a greater extent. "Pudge" usually refers to the excess fat around someone's midsection. If someone is referred to as "a pudge" or "pudgy", it means they are chubby (and maybe short, too).
2016년 5월 13일
How do you like Emily! She is very helpful to English learners. Book her.
2016년 5월 18일
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