Are these sentences written correctly? All my cows are at grass in the field. Cheldren approached the fire to have a warm. A drunk man was going home wobbling. Our children like swimming in the pool.
2016년 5월 13일 오후 5:53
답변 · 6
Generally yes, but the first three don't sound very natural. The fourth one is fine. Here are some suggestions for the first three: All my cows are grazing in the field. Children approached the fire to warm themselves. A drunk was staggering home.
2016년 5월 13일
"All my cows are at grass in the field." (should be): All of my cows are grazing in the field. "Cheldren approached the fire to have a warm." (should be): The children approached the fire for its warmth. "A drunk man was going home wobbling." (should be): A drunk man was wobbling on his way home. "Our children like swimming in the pool." - This is correct. Good work!
2016년 5월 13일
1. All my cows are on the grass in the field. 2. Children approached the fire to get warm/ Children approached the fire to warm up. 3. A drunk man was going home wobbling - This works! But you might also use "A drunk man went home wobbling" 4. Our children like swimming in the pool - This is great! You could also say "Our Children enjoy swimming in the pool"
2016년 5월 13일
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