someone please explain me these questions someone please explain me these questions To what extent does Edward Said’s Orientalism maintain the division between East and West that is otherwise being criticised? Does Orientalism require an understanding of ‘Occidentalism’? Why? Why not? Is Orientalism the same as Eurocentrism? What are the key challenges posed by Said to standard social theory?
2016년 5월 20일 오전 12:33
답변 · 5
No, I just found them below an article in internet(if you google them, you will find them under an article), and as Im studying cultural studies these days and especially things relate to orientalism. As they said *if you understand the question, you know the first half of the answer* so I just want to understand the questions first. answers will do them by myself. so to understand more about this field of knowldge.
2016년 5월 20일
What Edward Said is referring to is 'us vs. them' mentality. When he wrote his piece, everything outside the 'civilised' states (usually first world nations that spoke English) (nations of the world = a state) where considered different and inferior, hence he coined it 'orientalism'. It's a poor choice of language, since 'oriental' comes across as 'Asian', but it is referring to anything different from traditional 'western' thought. Occidentalism is the reverse, where people outside of the west (or states that speak english) have stereotypes and beliefs that portray the west as inferior. Both concepts 'de-humanize' one another. Eurocentrism is similar to orientalism, basically that people view the world and others through a 'european' lense. But orientalism also includes American/ North American world views, as well as Australia/ New Zealand. As for 'social standard theory' i don't know much about this, I only know the other terms from classes in Asian Studies and International relations. Hope this helps
2016년 5월 20일
Are these questions from an examination or test that you are taking in a university course?
2016년 5월 20일
Jerry. Do I seem unserious to you or what? Well I am not looking for its answers but just to understand the point of every question.
2016년 5월 20일
Are you serious?
2016년 5월 20일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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