What does "eat a humble pie"means?
2016년 5월 20일 오후 2:56
답변 · 5
In English, when we say someone has to ’eat humble pie’, we mean they have to admit they can’t do something they boasted about.It’s a bit humiliating for them。 承认错误
2016년 5월 20일
We say "eat humble pie," although this expression isn't used very much anymore. You "eat humble pie" after you have made a claim or bragged about something that didn't come true. For example, if I said I was going to win a contest, but then got last place instead, you could say that after the contest I "ate humble pie" and accepted my last place finish.
2016년 5월 20일
To be forced to. Apologies or to admit a fault.
2016년 5월 20일
As Zach stated, it's not used much.
2016년 5월 20일
To suffer humiliation / to accept that you are wrong and have to apologize or accept you are wrong regarding something
2016년 5월 20일
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