what does 「一期一会」 mean? this is a japanese proverb, right? could you explain me the meaning of this proverb?~^^~
2008년 10월 31일 오전 3:23
답변 · 5
一期一会 which means one of expression of feeling like you should take care of every moment when you meet everyone. It may not come again.
2008년 10월 31일
「一期一会」: "for this time only," "never again," or "one chance in a lifetime."
2008년 10월 31일
"for this time only," "never again," or "the one chance in a lifetime."
2008년 10월 31일
2011년 2월 23일
It is not really a proverb but a 4-character idiomatic expression (四字熟語 or yojijukugo). It is read as ichigo, ichie. The closest English expression I can think of is "once in a lifetime." I bet you know what that means.
2008년 11월 7일
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