in your side / on your side / at your side? Pls let us know correct anwser. when I'm in Korea and buyer is in other country. I want to say "Could you re-check with buyer in/on/at your side?" which one is correct? or can I use all of them? Pls help me!! THANKS A LOT!!
2016년 6월 8일 오전 2:51
답변 · 6
"On your side" would be the correct English; but if you used the others it would still make sense.
2016년 6월 8일
The correct preposition is 'on', and your question should be this: "Could you re-check with the buyer on your side?" Don't forget that you need an article ( the ) before a singular noun. "At your side" would mean that the buyer is physically standing next to him. "In your side" doesn't mean anything.
2016년 6월 8일
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