The cake is very tasty. Can you tell me synonym sentences the cake is tasty. Thanks
2016년 6월 20일 오전 11:58
답변 · 3
An informal word for 'tasty', used more by children, girls and women, is 'yummy'. It comes from the exclamation 'yum', the response that you make when you eat something tasty. The opposite is the equally childish word 'yucky'. You can use either of those in informal situations. Then there's the standard word 'delicious'. Note that it's an ungradeable adjective, so we wouldn't normally say 'very delicious'. You could also use other more general adjectives, such as 'gorgeous', which can apply to any sense (taste, touch, smell, sight, sound).
2016년 6월 20일
Flavorful, delicious, savory.
2016년 6월 20일
The cake is delicious. The cake tastes great. I really like the cake. Any of those are very similar to "The cake is very tasty." You can change "very tasty" to another adjective like: great, awesome, wonderful, perfect, etc.
2016년 6월 20일
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