If you could have 1 superpower in the world. What would it be?
2008년 11월 8일 오후 1:44
답변 · 8
i wanna be able to communicate with animals!
2008년 11월 9일
Being invisible would be the first one. Then... fliyng and walking through walls. Communicating with animals would be just fantastic, but I suspect we don't really need any superpower to do it, just comprehension wish – maybe it was completely natural long ago, and now we're too egoistic to have that ability... :)
2008년 11월 9일
That would be to fly.
2008년 11월 8일
I´d love to flyyyyyyy so that I could be able travel all around the world ^_^ In addition, I´d love to have the power to return back in time....and to live again especial moments as well as to fix some others
2008년 11월 15일
I'd love to master the game of 'Go'. Superpowers are needed for that kind of insight.
2008년 11월 13일
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