How to say correctly: "two thousand of people liveS here" or "two thousands of people livE here"? I have some problem with numerals. How to say correctly: "two thousand of people liveS here" or "two thousands of people livE here"? Thanks.
2016년 8월 5일 오전 4:40
답변 · 5
Anything countable that's two or more becomes plural. "Two thousand" is already a number, so the plural rule doesn't apply to that. However, the plural you want is "people". "Two thousand people live here." (We never say "two thousand of people" - not in English grammar.)
2016년 8월 5일
Two thousand people live here. Plurals for everything here.
2016년 8월 5일
Just two thousand people .Another expression is thousands of people, without any number.
2016년 8월 5일
The thousands are numbers between 1000 to 1000,000-Your paper should not be more than 3000 thousand words long. A thousand/ Thousands of : Mean a large number - I have a thousand things to do before I go. A thousand people took part in the car race. Two thousand people live here.
2016년 8월 5일
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