Abdulla Sabit
What is meaning of this phrase "Sharpen the Saw"?
2016년 9월 8일 오후 7:02
답변 · 2
Well, it can mean to sharpen a saw. Use the dictionary to look up "sharpen" and "saw". It is also an idiom that means to "work smarter, not harder". If you try to cut down trees with a dull saw, you may spend 1 day cutting down one tree, so 10 trees => 10 days. Now, let's say you spend one day to "sharpen your saw". OMG, I've lost one day. Yes, but NOW you can cut 3 trees per day with a sharper saw, so your overall time with a sharpened saw is 5 days maximum. So this idiom is saying that sometimes you have to stop and do some prep or refit work (wasting time now) so that you can proceed faster later (saving more time later than you lost now).
2016년 9월 8일
It's also a concept in Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Basically it means to take time to take care of yourself. https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit7.php
2016년 9월 9일
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