전문 강사
”全然違う”はどういう意味ですか? 「ぜんぜん違う」は英語でどうですか? What's the English equivalent of this Japanese expression? :)
2016년 9월 25일 오후 4:56
답변 · 5
全然違う means "totally different". For example :「日本語は英語と全然違います」- Japanese is totally different from English. 「この式は全然違います」- That formula is totally different. 等の文脈に使うと思います。私が間違ってるなら直してください。
2016년 9월 25일
Nelly's answer is perfect. 全然違う means "totally different" or "completely different".
2016년 9월 25일
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