Could you please tell me what the verb is for trains? I know 'drive a car'/fly a plane. But what's the verb to describe ...a train?
2016년 10월 17일 오전 3:33
답변 · 13
you can treat it like a car , drive/ride a train . depends on what you want to say
2016년 10월 17일
The train operator would be the best word to use in English, in my opinion.
2016년 10월 17일
Conduct a train. The person who "drives" the train is a Train Conductor in American English and a Guard in British English. See more here:
2016년 10월 17일
To conduct a train , to manage ...
2023년 10월 2일
The Conductor on a train manages it movement, but the person who is actually at the controls in the cab is the Engineer. The Engineer is "operating" the train. Operating is the verb that you are looking for.
2023년 7월 24일
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