Andy Lai
Anytime but now? What do the phrase 'Anytime but now' means? It really confuse me and can anyone solve it for me. Thank you.
2017년 1월 13일 오후 9:18
답변 · 3
It means that 'now' is not suitable/convenient. However, any other time is. A shorter way of expressing the same idea is 'not now'. If someone is trying to get your attention and you are very busy, you might say 'not now'. Meaning I am really busy right now, so wait until some other time.
2017년 1월 13일
Anytime but now = Anytime other than now = Anytime except now. Your friend: Can you help me? You: Sure! Your friend: When? Can you help me right now? You: Anytime but now. How about in an hour? Is that okay? Your friend: It sure is! Thanks!
2017년 1월 13일
I think it does mean now or never
2017년 1월 13일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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