you will be learned after 2 years. Is it correct to be used? you will be learned after 2 years. ??
2017년 1월 21일 오후 8:17
답변 · 3
You can say "he was a very learned man" pronounced LEARN-ed it's used as an adjective instead of a past tense verb. so you could use it as an adjective. "you will be very learned in 2 years" It sounds weird, and no one would really say it, but it's possible!
2017년 1월 21일
This is incorrect. You need to review THE PASSIVE VOICE and when to use it. The correct form should be: You will learn after two years. Keep practicing and cheers!
2017년 1월 21일
It depends on what you are trying to say. I think what you want to say is that you will or would have learned something in two years. In that case, you should say "You will/would have learned [something] after two years." Also, the word "learned" is an adjective, but it is not very common these days. So, you could also say "You will be learned after two years," to mean something like "you will have an education after two years" or "you will be knowledgeable after two years".
2017년 1월 22일
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