Which one is correct? "I have a two days' holiday." or "I have two days' holiday." Is the "a" in first sentence necessary?
2017년 1월 22일 오전 1:04
답변 · 3
The 'a' in the first sentence is wrong. You can't have both 'a' and the 's in the same noun phrase. This is because 'a' is an indefinite determiner and 's makes the noun phrase definite. You have two options for a correct sentence. You can either say "I have a two-day holiday" or you can say "I have two days' holiday".
2017년 1월 22일
Actually "I have a two day holiday" is more common.
2017년 1월 22일
It should be "I have a two day holiday.".
2017년 1월 22일
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