Minun/Mun nimeni/nimi on... I'm wondering what is the most natural way to say ''My name is...' I think all of these options are correct: Minun nimeni on... Mun nimeni on... Minun nimi on... Mun nimi on... Nimeni on... Am I right? Which one you will use if you meet a person about your age somewhere in a club and want to introduce yourself? Which one seems to be most common? Or maybe the best option would be "Olen..." like "I'm..." in English?
2017년 1월 22일 오후 11:53
답변 · 8
Most natural way to say ''My name is...' It really depends on the situation. in a unformal situation like at club or bar I would not use "Nimeni" at all. probably would use something short like:"Vilho" terve. or Mä oon "Vilho" Where "mä" is sort for "minä".
2017년 1월 24일
I agree with the others, "mä oon..." is maybe the most natural in an unofficial situations. All the examples are correct though! "mun nimi on..." would be the one I would use most (after "mä oon...").
2017년 1월 25일
When I meet someone I haven't met before the most natural way to introduce myself would be "Moro! Mä oon Fritz". "Moro" is colloquial for "hello" or "hi". You can switch it with "hei", "moi", "moikka" and so on...
2017년 1월 24일
Finns can sometimes be quite strange, and I would not be surprised if they would say nothing but their name, for example: "Matti."
2017년 1월 23일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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