love is a big lie and guys also the guys always play with ladys because because of her body but you should know guys the ladys is not game . the guy is playfull the guys damaged the love and made it like game .
2008년 12월 6일 오후 5:36
답변 · 4
find someone better.
2008년 12월 6일
hi dear , also i think not all women look's like angles!!!
2008년 12월 6일
sweety no body lie like the women .mens are like the angels .looking to me iam baby angel
2008년 12월 6일
You have such feeling because you did not meet real good guys and you think everyone is the same. But it is preposterous to think like this. I suggest you to find men among christian churches. There are people who do not look on a woman like on a subject and are sensitive, can help and so on. Also not everyone thinks like you. So, do not think as if I wanted to offend you but you are wrong.
2008년 12월 7일
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